Seeing beyond
ZEISS is a global technological leader in the optics and optoelectronics sectors. ZEISS is also known for producing the world’s best lithography optics, which are used in the chip industry to make semiconductor chips. Trendsetting is in high demand all over the world. Items under the ZEISS name include eyeglass lenses, camera lenses, and binoculars. ZEISS designs manufacture and distribute cutting-edge solutions for industrial metrology and quality assurance, life sciences and materials testing microscopy, and medical technology diagnostics and care of ophthalmology and microsurgery for its clients. We at PSN Vision Clinic are happy to advise you to choose the best lens according to your job, workplace and your needs. ZEISS Digital Lens, ZEISS Workplace Lens, Smartlife Lens, Drivesafe, PhotoFusion,…
ZEISS Progressive:
Do you value pin-sharp, a natural vision both near and far? Modern, individually fitted progressive lenses correct
various refractive errors at once and offer outstanding visual comfort with the best tolerability. Do you also want
more comfortable changes of vision? Problems such as straining, longer adaptation, and slow transition are a
thing of the past, with good progressive ZEISS lenses.
At the PSN Vision we will be happy to advise you on how varifocals work and what exactly you need to
consider with your varifocals in order to find the best possible solution for your visual situation. You can configure
your new progressive lenses individually and completely according to your ideas – as extensively and
conveniently as when buying a car!
ZEISS Smartlife:
Our lives are connected, and we are constantly on the move. Always with you – the smartphone. The frequent,
dynamic changes of view in all directions demand our eyes. ZEISS Smart Life lenses are precisely optimized for
your eyes and pupils. This makes you look sharper, more high-contrast, and more brilliant. Online, offline,
anywhere. At any age.
ZEISS Workplace:
Dry eye or overstretched eye is common, especially when working on screens for hours. ZEISS eyeglasses for
the workplace support you optimally to keep an eye on everything perfectly. What distinguishes workplace
glasses from reading or gliding glasses? Our screen glasses are individually adapted to the visual situation in the
job and, unlike reading or gliding glasses, are optimized for all distances needed for screen work. Therefore,
Reading or progressive lenses are not suitable as work glasses. it is easier to work on digital devices With ZEISS
workplace glasses.